nursing parody

Nursing parody released: “Nursed Me (All Night Long)”

The funny ladies of MYLF (Mothers You’d Like to Friend) have created a new favorite nursing parody as their show of support during World Breastfeeding Month. “Nursed Me” is sung to the tune of AC/DC’s hit song “Shook Me All Night Long”. They sing:

“Cause the milk starts makin’, baby starts wakin’, my nipples start achin’ and you start takin’ it. And you, nursed me all night long. Yeah, you, nursed me all night long.”

The song is the group’s first parody and to help moms who often feel isolated and struggle when nursing. For more on MYLF, read the article from TODAY Parents.


Canada’s Prime Minister shares photo of wife breastfeeding

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau played his part in helping spread support of nursing mothers during World Breastfeeding Month by sharing a photo of wife, Sophie, breastfeeding their youngest son Hadrien. Sophie openly shared her nursing struggles earlier this year and has since openly shared ‘brelfies’ to support the normalize breastfeeding movement since. [Read more here.]


Grown man is reprimanded by mother after shaming breastfeeding mom

No one gets put in their place quite like when being scolded by their mother. That’s why Tanja Krstic Radusinovic was caught off guard not just when she was shamed by a man for breastfeeding, but when the grown man’s mother jumped in to scold him before Tanja even had the opportunity for a come back. Tanja was feeding her 9-month-old at a public pool, covered by a towel even, when she was approached and told it was inappropriate. Before the angered mom could react, the shamer’s own mother stepped in to do a better job than Tanja could have ever managed.

“I had no idea I raised you like that, Kevin!” the man’s mother said, according to Radusinovic’s post. “I am not talking to you until you apologize! I breastfed you until you were 18 f—— months, Kevin! […] It is f—— normal.”

[Research] Positive link between breastfeeding and home births

An academic study by Trinity College Dublin discovered a positive link mother’s who deliver their baby at home and breastfeeding. The study says breastfeeding is twice as likely after a planned home birth compared to a hospital birth. It included over 28,000 women and indicated not only that the home birth is not just associated with immediate breastfeeding following birth, but exclusively nursing for the first six months of the child’s life (22% vs. 9%). [Read more here.]


Mom’s ironic photo goes viral after treatment at department store

Whitney Hope shared a perfectly staged photo taken at Dillard’s last week after being directed to feed her child in a restroom. After first being told she was welcome to feed her baby in the store, the employee completely changed her tone when Whitney actually began to breastfeed and directed her to the restroom. Afterward, hurt and angered, Whitney stopped to nurse her babe in front of a lingerie ad featuring only a woman’s bust in a bra.

“Why is it acceptable for a giant picture of BOOBS to be on the wall but I can not feed my child?” she wrote.


28 Photos to empower moms to breastfeed in public

Leilani Rogers was once a breastfeeding mother, afraid to nurse in public, but years later she is is working to help other moms not struggle by pushing back against the common misconceptions on breastfeeding in public. In 2014 she founded the Public Breastfeeding Awareness Project (PBAP), which showcases breastfeeding photos to raise awareness about the intolerance.

“The main issue with nursing in public, I think, is that we are confused about the ‘appropriateness’ of it,” Rogers explained. “Appropriateness should have nothing to do with meeting a child’s needs. But with an excessive amount of focus on the sexual function of the female body, we don’t consider breastfeeding as a physiological need when we round the corner at the grocery store and find a breastfeeding woman standing right there. Instead, we rush to judgement over her exposing herself.” [Read more here.]


