Things To Avoid During Pregnancy: What You Can and Can’t Do, Eat, and More

Things To Avoid During Pregnancy: What You Can and Can’t Do, Eat, and More

When you are pregnant, it’s important to consider how the foods you eat, the medicines you take, and the things you do, cumulatively affect both your own body and the body of your unborn child. While your own adult body may be able to handle quite a bit, that’s not...
Exercises for Pregnant Women: Safe Ways To Work Out at Every Stage of Your Pregnancy

Exercises for Pregnant Women: Safe Ways To Work Out at Every Stage of Your Pregnancy

First-time moms may be apprehensive about working out while pregnant, which may stand in the way of maintaining an active lifestyle. One question you may be itching to ask your health provider is: can I exercise while I’m pregnant? Routine exercise during pregnancy is...
How To Prepare a Dog for Your New Baby

How To Prepare a Dog for Your New Baby

Dogs can be loyal companions and family protectors, and many dogs are considered members of the family. As such, it is essential to know how to prepare your dog for a newborn, so that they don’t become too difficult to manage or cause any harm during this time of...
Newborn Car Seat Safety: Tips for Getting Your Car Ready for Baby

Newborn Car Seat Safety: Tips for Getting Your Car Ready for Baby

As the due date for your little bundle of joy gets closer and closer, you’re likely starting to realize that there is way too much to do, and you’re running out of time to prepare. It can be difficult to prioritize all the different massive changes to your home and...
How To Baby Proof Your House: A Checklist for Expectant Parents

How To Baby Proof Your House: A Checklist for Expectant Parents

Between all the medical appointments, the books on parenting, looking for a daycare, and all of the rules about car seats, preparing for a child can be an overwhelming process. Perhaps the most exhausting step is making sure that your entire house is baby proof. As...