breastfeeding barbie


What the early days of breastfeeding really look like 

Becky Vieira admits that she is not in love with breastfeeding, but she is grateful for the fact she is able to breastfeed. She has been using her Instagram account to connect with other nursing moms for support and to share her journey in breastfeeding.

“Before he was born I thought I was prepared for the challenges of breastfeeding. I knew my nipples would hurt, that I would become engorged and leak, and I expected a learning curve. But, like most everything else with a newborn, it was more difficult and painful than I expected.”

This article spotlights many of her nursing photos and the experience that goes alongside. [See photos here.]


How Breastfeeding Affects Your Nipples — 3 Things To Keep In Mind 

If you are someone who loves the idea of breastfeeding because of the endless benefits for your baby, but in the back of your mind you are dreading some of the side effects of nursing, don’t feel bad. It is not uncommon to worry about how breastfeeding will affect your breasts and nipples and you are not a selfish person for wondering and worrying. But the reality is, more than likely, most of what you have heard is myth and your boobs aren’t going to shrivel up after nursing.

“Of course breastfeeding is going to affect your nipples in some way — you’ve never had a baby using them for nourishment before. But that doesn’t mean your nipples are going to be ruined or stretched out to seven miles long. ”

This article covers three ways your nipples can be affected. [Read more here.]




10 Things That Happen During Baby’s First Night At The Hospital No One Warns You About

Throughout pregnancy you’ll get a lot of excitement and congratulations thrown your way. You will also be given lots of advice and input on parenting. However, it’s not uncommon to not talk any about the actual hospital experience other than knowing you’ll deliver a baby. But the reality is you are likely to stay in the hospital for a full two days (at least) before going home. So what happens during that time, especially during the first night? [Read more here.]


Symptoms of Pregnancy No One Wants to Talk About – 1st Trimester Edition

As glamorous as photographers can make pregnancy look, the reality is it’s not always a glamorous experience. Actually, most of the 40 weeks has it’s struggles even though there is underlying joy in knowing you are growing a life and you will soon have a precious tiny baby to hold. The first trimester is probably the toughest for most moms, though. In addition to tough symptoms, you don’t look obviously pregnant so most people don’t even understand why you aren’t operating in a normal capacity. But here are the things any mom who has been there knows to be true about the first trimester.  [Read more here.]




Hack the Holidays: 7 Gift-Wrapping Strategies for Busy Parents

The holiday season is always hectic–with kids, that craziness escalates quickly. Between decorating, activities, parties, goodies and shopping, it seems something is always getting pushed aside and oftentimes that is the wrapping of presents. Like everything else holiday-related, you want the presents to look perfect under the tree, but there are a couple of problems with that. First, you have to be good at wrapping to start. Second, you need to be creative while you wrap. What mom has time for that? This article has the perfect hacks for gift wrapping. [Get hacks here.]


4 Great Gifts For New Moms That Support Amazing Causes Too

Looking for something special to do for your new mom friends this holiday season? Here are four unique gifts that you can feel especially good about because purchasing any of them will no only make you stand out as a thoughtful and extra creative friend, but the purchase supports a great cause as well.  [See gifts here.]



Is There a ‘Right’ Way to Wear Your Baby? 

Babywearing is a real thing now. As in, the term exists and any mother or expectant mother knows the term, even if she didn’t ‘babywear’ herself. You might also have heard that some baby carriers are better than others–and not just in terms of comfort. How your baby is positioned in the carrier and how it fits on mom are both very important for the health of mom and baby, particular in terms of its effects on the hips.

This article points out the recommended type of carriers for babies and safety tips from the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance. [Read tips here.]




Newborn Sleep: A discussion with Elizabeth Pantley 

While there may be a lot of judging going on from mom to mom, one thing every mom can agree on is that lack of sleep is a major problem in parenting. Kelly Mom recently interviewed an expert in the realm of sleeping (or non-sleeping) babies.

“We wanted to talk to someone who has spent many years helping parents with infant sleep issues, so we interviewed Elizabeth Pantley, who has written the No-Cry Sleep Solution series of books. Her new book,  The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Newborns, was released in October 2016.” [Read interview here.]






3 Ways I Get My Kids Excited For Bedtime During The Holidays

There is a way to make everything about the holiday season a little more fun and unique than ordinary. That even includes bedtime and this father breaks down how he adds some festive flare to the holiday bedtime routine.

“My little ones and I have quirky nighttime routines and rituals that make our bedtime a memorable experience. When the holidays roll around for my family, everything about getting ready for a good night’s sleep becomes even more fun.” [Read how here.]


11 Hilariously Honest Kids’ Letters to Santa That Play No Games 

If there is one thing better than ridiculous photos with Santa where kids are screaming, it’s the letters they write to St. Nick. You can always count on a kid to be straight forward and honest–for better or worse. Enjoy these heartfelt letters penned by little ones and left for Santa. [See Santa Letters here.]


