Pregnancy and Pumping

Student’s creates public breastfeeding signs for restaurants

Student Sophie Mumper took her senior project for to the next level when she started posting “Breastfeeding Welcome Here” signs in restaurants and businesses to promote public breastfeeding. The 17-year-old from Decatur High School in Georgia got the idea when she traveled with her mother to Portugal. 

“I saw women able to breastfeed without the same stigma that we see in the south. It didn’t seem fair that women were being treated with shame for trying to sustain their child the best way possible,” she said. “In Georgia, while it’s legal to conduct public breastfeeding, there are no enforcement provisions. So if a restaurant says, ‘You have to leave.’ Then there’s no repercussions.”

Mumper received the signs from the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition and then sent emails to businesses in her local community to tell them more about her initiative. She was initially discouraged by the lack or responses, but she now has signs up in 13 local businesses and says the number is growing. [Read more here.]

Student promotes breastfeeding


Lactation consultant’s number one breastfeeding question

Lactation consultant Wendy Wisner shares the most common question she hears from moms in a recent blog post and then gives her common responses. The question? “Am I producing enough milk for my baby?”

Moms ask about everything from their babies wanting to nurse all of the time to not nursing as often to showing concern that their breasts are not as full as they once were. The secret truth that Wisner reveals is that if your baby is growing well on your milk alone, your milk supply is just fine.

“Most importantly, remember this: If you are struggling with milk supply, having another breastfeeding issue, or just feeling overwhelmed by new motherhood in general, don’t be afraid to reach out.”

She also reminds moms that it is normal to sometimes feel you are “chained” to your baby and that pumping a bottle for someone else to take a turn feeding is completely fine. [Read blog post here.]


A mother’s thoughts when weaning

If you are getting ready to wean your little (or if you have gone through the process before) then this article will speak to you. From the relief of the freedom, to the panic that you’ve made the wrong decision, to the sadness that your baby no longer needs you, every mom who nurses and then weans goes through these 12 thoughts. [Read blog post here.]


Reformation’s maxi dress that breastfeeding moms love

The Los Angeles brand Reformation recently posted an image to their Instagram account that gained viral attention particularly in the motherhood world. The shot featured a breastfeeding mom in one of their maxi dresses. While the dress itself is not labeled a ‘nursing’ dress, the image shows just how easily it serves as one–while also being incredible stylish.

Reformation is known for their fashion-forward designs, and while the average mom’s budget can’t afford the pricey summer dress, the idea that non-nursing specific clothing can work in a breastfeeding mom’s wardrobe is very true. Regardless of price tag, the brand was hailed by many for empowering breastfeeding mothers by sharing the moment between model Abby Brothers and son Cedar.

Cool dress, Mom. Engineered for easy access. #AddilynDress #MothersDay

A photo posted by Reformation (@reformation) on


Motherhood summarized in 19 tweets

We wont’t try to summarize these 19 tweets (you’ll just have to read them for yourself), but we will leave you with this one and just say, there are some things only a mother can understand. [Read all tweets here.]

Hilarious Tweets That Sum Up Motherhood


The moms you need on your speed dial

If you think your friends are important through high school and college and the drama that ensues then, motherhood teaches you a whole new meaning for friendship. Your mom tribe keeps you going on the worst days and celebrates with you on the best. Only they can truly relate. The Veteran. The Fun Mom. The Pinner. Check the list and see if you can identify all the moms in your tribe. [See full list here.]

